
Create a new user. {N} identify record number, for example businessId1, businessId2, businessId3. password will be returned only if the user was successfully created.


Name Type Required Example Description
clientId string(40) yes 04f78...9f9f3 Client id is a unique user identifier provided by GatherUp.
email string(email) yes john.smith@abc-company.com User email.
firstName string yes John User first name.
lastName string yes Smith User last name.
roleId int (3,4,5,6) no 4 Role Permission ID, where:
  • 3 = Manager
  • 4 = Team (Default)
  • 5 = Contributor
  • 6 = Read Only
Administrators and Agency Manager can not be created via API.
sendPasswordEmail boolean (1,0) no 0 (default) Send email with password
businessId{N} integer no 376 Managed business id.
hash string(64) yes bd13a40...303f3c5 Hash is a digital request signature. Learn how to generate hash here.






errorCode errorMessage
-1 Unknown error
1 Invalid hash sign
2 Invalid clientId
3 Server error - please contact support
24 Someone already registered an account using this email
31 Unable to create user account
32 Provided parameters are invalid