
Create multiple customers under one of your businesses. {N} identify record number, for example customerFirstName1, customerLastName1, customerEmail1. You can send maximum 1000 customers in one request.


Name Type Required Example Description
businessId integer yes 376 Business id.
clientId string(40) yes 04f78...9f9f3 Client id is a unique user identifier provided by GatherUp.
customerCustomId{N} string no 123 Customer custom id.
customerEmail{N} string(email) yes john.smith@app.gatherup.com Customer email address.
This field is required for basic plan accounts.
For higher plans there is email or phone number required.
customerFirstName{N} string no John Customer first name.
customerJobId{N} string no 123 Customer job id.
customerLastName{N} string no Smith Customer last name.
customerPhone{N} string no 5555555555 Customer phone.
customerPreference{N} string(sms|email) no email Customer communication preference.
customerTags{N} string no brakes,tires Customer tags separated by comma (max length of one tag = 50 chars).
hash string(64) yes bd13a40...303f3c5 Hash is a digital request signature. Learn how to generate hash here.
aggregateResponse integer no 1 It will return an array with results of numbered items.


    "businessId": 376,
    "clientId": "04f78076fbfc66940169d2199af7c6698019f9f3",
    "customerEmail1": "john.smith@app.gatherup.com",
    "customerEmail2": "merry.smith@app.gatherup.com",
    "customerEmail3": "dan.smith@app.gatherup.com",
    "customerFirstName1": "John",
    "customerFirstName2": "Merry",
    "customerFirstName3": "Dan",
    "customerLastName1": "Smith",
    "customerLastName2": "Smith",
    "customerLastName3": "Smith",
    "customerPhone1": "5555555555",
    "hash": "991e8b5baf5fecca26e817ee5006e56cca610ed324f026f6ea44a8ec781db1e1"


    "customerErrorCode1": 10,
    "customerErrorMessage1": "Customer already exists",
    "customerErrorCode2": 0,
    "customerErrorMessage2": "Success",
    "customerErrorCode3": 0,
    "customerErrorMessage3": "Success",
    "customerId2": 12345,
    "customerId3": 12346,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "errorMessage": "Success"


errorCode errorMessage
-1 Unknown error
1 Invalid hash sign
2 Invalid clientId
3 Server error - please contact support
4 You can import maximum 1000 customers in one request
5 This user cannot manage selected business
6 Invalid businessId
9 Invalid customer email
48 Customer with this email already exists
52 Please enter a valid email address or a valid phone number
53 Customer with this phone number already exists