
Get show / hide on website clicks history.


Name Type Required Example Description
businessId integer no 6418 Business id (or multiple comma-separated ids.)
clientId string(40) yes 04f78...9f9f3 Client id is a unique user identifier provided by GatherUp.
from string(YYYY-MM-DD) no 2013-01-23 Received from
hash string(64) yes bd13a40...303f3c5 Hash is a digital request signature. Learn how to generate hash here.
page integer no 1 Page
to string(YYYY-MM-DD) no 2015-01-23 Received to
aggregateResponse integer no 1 It will return an array with results of numbered items.




    "page": 1,
    "pages": 1,
    "feedbackId1": 12955403,
    "businessId1": 20760,
    "showOnWebsite1": 0, // [0,1] false / true
    "time1": "2015-12-21T23:10:18+01:00",
    "deleted1": 0, // [0,1] false / true - if review was also deleted
    "feedbackId2": 12955403,
    "businessId2": 20760,
    "showOnWebsite2": 1,
    "time2": "2015-12-21T23:10:14+01:00",
    "deleted2": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "perPage": 500,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "errorMessage": "Success"


errorCode errorMessage
-1 Unknown error
1 Invalid hash sign
2 Invalid clientId
3 Server error - please contact support