
Remove all existing credentials, then create new credentials to specified businesses.
{N} identify record number, for example businessId1, businessId2, businessId3.


Name Type Required Example Description
businessId{N} integer no 376 Managed business id.
clientId string(40) yes 04f78...9f9f3 Client id is a unique user identifier provided by GatherUp.
hash string(64) yes bd13a40...303f3c5 Hash is a digital request signature. Learn how to generate hash here.
userId integer yes 29061 Manager id.
aggregateResponse integer no 1 It will return an array with results of numbered items.


    "userId": 29061,
    "businessId1": 6492,
    "businessId2": 16813,
    "businessId3": 16183,
    "clientId": "f1e8cf4ba8145f809fd96d705af94c1f6ae74150",
    "hash": "f908234c360f0ed8b11441339679399c1fd49fa043181baa9c5ac475147769a0"




errorCode errorMessage
-1 Unknown error
1 Invalid hash sign
2 Invalid clientId
3 Server error - please contact support
32 Provided parameters are invalid
33 User does not exist